RestoPresto Creator meets The Girl Scouts of West Central Florida!

September 19, 2016 1 Comment

RestoPresto Creator meets The Girl Scouts of West Central Florida!

New (and seasoned) entrepreneurs are accustomed to facing the unknown and encountering surprises on a daily basis. So when an unexpected opportunity comes your way for the first time and it turns into a delightful experience, it is definitely worth sharing.

This is where the the 5th Grade Junior Girl Scout Troop #1204 of St. Paul Catholic School enters the picture!

When one of my original RestoPresto customers (Kickstarter supporter) invited me to speak to the young women of Girl Scout Troop #1204 as they begin working on their Product Design Badge, I excitedly accepted. I have great admiration for the Girl Scouts of America and knew that connecting with 9, 10 & 11 year olds to talk about designing and creating RestoPresto from scratch would be really cool.

I was right! We Skyped and it was awesome! The goal was for me to help a Girl Scout Troop on the topic of product design, however the positive energy that I gleaned from this gaggle of girls truly gave me a helpful boost. What an honor!

Good luck with your Product Design Badge, ladies!

-Candi Obrentz


1 Response

Kristi Demers-Crowell
Kristi Demers-Crowell

September 20, 2016

What a wonderful opportunity for our troop to meet a real life product designer while earning their Product Design Badge! Girls Scouts has come a long way since we were kids! Who knows! Maybe the next stickie note, or even the next Resto Presto, will be designed by one of our girls!! Thanks again Candi for the inspiring presentation!

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