XXX TIMES SQUARE WITH LOVE unveiling on 8/23/16

August 24, 2016

XXX TIMES SQUARE WITH LOVE unveiling on 8/23/16

New Yorkers & NYC Visitors: have you heard about the XXX TIMES SQUARE WITH LOVE exhibit? Custom designed for Times Square, the 3 X-shaped outdoor loungers each accommodate up to four people to "lounge" in the "crossroads of the world"!

Here is what you do: 1) Grab a RestoPresto 2) Go to Times Square 3) BEFORE you lie back and get comfy in one of the most famous venues in the world, spread your RestoPresto out so that you have a soft, water-repellent barrier between YOU & everything else that will be on the lounger!

Located on Broadway between 43rd & 44th streets. Here is the Times Square Arts article for official info:

Photo: Times Square Arts

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