Watch Candi Obrentz talk about entrepreneurship & RestoPresto on "This is It with Cheldin Barlat-Rumer".

December 05, 2016

Watch Candi Obrentz talk about entrepreneurship & RestoPresto on "This is It with Cheldin Barlat-Rumer".

Guess who will be LIVE STREAMING on Tuesday?

ME! I will be interviewed about my entrepreneurial journey and all things RestoPresto on the digital show “This is it with Cheldin Barlatt-Rumer “!

Here are the details:
Tune in on Tuesday, December 6th from 9:00 - 10:00 am (EST) on via YouTube. Here is the link:

“This is It” is a digital lifestyle show hosted by the incredible Cheldin Barlatt-Rumer that celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurship by featuring intriguing people, captivating places and emerging brands. I am honored to be a part of Cheldin’s “This is it” family! Join us tomorrow and if you miss it live, you can watch the show after the fact!

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