RestoPresto Founder Candi Obrentz's personal story featured on The Reset!

April 28, 2017

RestoPresto Founder Candi Obrentz's personal story featured on The Reset!

RestoPresto founder Candi Obrentz knows first hand about being "45, Single, Child-Free & Joyful". Living an authentic life is not always easy however it is the best thing around! Check out Candi's article that she wrote for The Reset about this personal topic!

Do you know about The Reset? It is a hot digital home base that launched in early 2017 for a new generation of women who are choosing to do things differently. It's a community that marries relevant, relatable content with curated commerce. Dive in to check out the inspiration, information and ideas for how to be your best self and since it is for real women who live real lives, it really rocks!

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