A RestoPresto shout out in The Huffington Post!

November 15, 2016

A RestoPresto shout out in The Huffington Post!

On 11/5, I wanted to be near the water so instead of my usual jaunt to the East River, I switched it up and decided to watch the sunset over the Hudson River. The sun setting that evening exceeded my expectations - it was truly stunning! There were several groups of visitors unsuccessfully trying to take selfies of themselves AND the sinking sun, so I, along with another local, took photos for them.

The other NYer and I began chatting which led to a discussion about New York, photography and of course, our respective businesses. So in true form, I whipped out a RestoPresto to give Matt Sweetwood a demo. Matt is the CEO of beBee, the innovative online platform for professional social networking which means two things: 1) future collaborations and 2) having our Hudson River meeting featured in his Huff Post article about networking. Check it out here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/58291e9ce4b02b1f5257a585

In conclusion, my advice to you on "Tip Tuesday" is ALWAYS be open to networking, meeting new people and entertaining new ideas. 

This is my photo collage from that gorgeous sunset!
All the best,
Candi, Creator of RestoPresto

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