Every day is Earth Day at RestoPresto Headquarters
April 22, 2016

Hello Friends!
It’s me, Candi, wishing you a Happy Earth Day and taking the opportunity to tell you about my commitment, as the the founder of RestoPresto, to social responsibility.

To illustrate this commitment, here is a list of what YOU are actually doing when you purchase a RestoPresto. SPOILER ALERT: you are not just getting a multi-functional product that replaces hassle with convenience!
As the owner of a RestoPresto:
- YOU are creating a domino effect of support for small businesses. I own the LLC that controls the RestoPresto brand and as such, I am the sole decision-maker on what vendors are chosen to create the durable product, from scratch that eventually becomes your possession, making your life easier. I choose to patronize fellow small businesses when possible. Don’t get me wrong, I support big box stores as well but shopping locally and small truly means “BIG” business for the economy. The vendors involved in making one single RestoPresto are numerous and I proudly use a graphic designer, an expert textile industry consultant, marketing gurus, fabric & trims merchants, lawyers, printers and of course factories, ALL of which are American small businesses.
- YOU are using a product that is ethically manufactured in the USA.
- YOU are receiving a product in the mail or in person that was wrapped in minimal packaging to reduce waste.
- YOU are enjoying the end result of many behind-the-scenes decisions to treat the Planet Earth as well as she treats us. I run an energy efficient operation that goes to great lengths to reduce our carbon footprint by recycling (paper, electronics, plastic, metal and glass), printing only when necessary, conserving electricity, using eco-friendly lightbulbs, drinking tap water instead of bottled water, walking or taking public transportation when practical and donating unused textiles to GrowNYC to be distributed to second hand markets or recycled properly.
So congratulations to YOU for owning a product that has a socially conscious back-story! If you are not yet part of the RestoPresto Family, hop on the #ReadyForAnything bus, you will be glad that you did!
Happy Earth Day, Candi
PS: If you are in the NYC area on 4/23, it's National Picnic Day & I will be selling and doing live demos of RestoPresto at a POP UP SHOP on West 97th Street between Amsterdam & Broadway from 11 am - 5 pm! Stop by and buy in person before you head to the park!
PPS: Word of mouth is THE best form of advertising so please spread the word about RestoPresto and share our posts on social media!
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